Mexican drug cartels communicate with bullets and knives. If you try to enter their territory, they will communicate very clearly and effectively this way.
1. Requirements Gathering Understanding the business needs and what its goals are. Be sure to understand the problem or challenge the business wants you to solve. Understanding the users and what their needs are. Understanding the capabilities and limitations of the technology being used. 2. Design Alternatives Begin to create solutions. Brainstorm ideas that meet the needs of the user and solve the problems of the business. See how others have solved similar problems. 3. Prototyping Model potential solutions so they can be tried out and tested. On paper or using tools. (see Figma, Invision, AdobeXD etc.) Prototypes can be simple sketches and wireframes or rich, interactive demos. 4. Evaluation Test and evaluate the prototypes on users. See what works and what needs adjusting. Go back to steps one, two or three as needed. Bonus step: Development Once a design has been tested and agreed upon it goes to development, but the designer’s job is not finished. The design will inevitably...
As a manager of people (UX designers and front end developers in my case), where should I sit? I am being literal here. Where should my desk be? Should I sit together with the other managers and heads of, or should I sit with the team? I know this sounds petty but it is important. This question was raised the other day and of course this other manager did not think that I should be sitting with the team. She is one of those managers that thinks that they are above mortal worker drones and should be aloof to the lower levels of creativity (you can probably guess that this attitude annoys me). Of course it can be useful to sit as a group of managers. This is great of high level planning and epic thinking, but to be honest, that stuff does not take too long and most time is spent putting them into effect. This all happens “lower down the food chain” where the creatives and builders get to work making the dream come true. This is where a manager should be seated. Not so that he or she can ...
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